Dr Rob Lavis – Group Medical Director

Day 2

AI, freezing temperatures and sunrise breakfast.

An early start today for a RadMD and Medica Group breakfast event at the British Consulate General’s residence in Chicago. The Consul General hosts events to promote UK and US business opportunities.

The event was very well attended with representatives from Sectra, Siemens, Annalise ai, RadMag, Takeda, PanCAD.ai, Lucida Medical, DeepTek, Cerebriu, Merck, Merck Kga, Therapixel, IDX, The Faculty of Radiology of Ireland, Pukka J, Terarecon, Reveal pharma, Qmenta, Reveal DX, i Sono, Medica UK and Ireland reporters, our UK exec team, US team and IK Partners. The Consul General, who’s brother is a radiologist, gave an overview of the work he does. Medica CEO Stuart Quin then gave an overview of Medica globally and our expansion in recent years. I gave a brief summary of opportunities and challenges in AI in practice and Dr Rick Patt of RadMD spoke of the opportunities that AI presented to research reporting.

Some excellent discussions ensued over breakfast as the sun rose over Lake Michigan. There are some fantastic opportunities in prostate MRI to streamline reporting. Pancreatic cancer can be hard to detect and PanCAD.ai are working to assist radiologists by detecting incidental or early pancreas tumours on CT.

There were lots of interesting conversations regarding the positioning of AI in radiology. Opportunities include data cleansing and homogenising, workflow optimisation, clinical detection assistance tools and report template generation among others. The important messages were to make sure you choose a tool to answer your specific question. Choosing the tool can be helped by test platform vendors such as CARPL.ai and multiple algorithm deployments can be managed by providers such as AiDOC and aggregators such as Blackford.

Later in the day we were treated to a future insight of Sectra PACS reporting with AI assisted patient imaging history summaries, free speech conversion to templated reports and upcoming developments in the radiology and pathology PACS systems.

The day was rounded off with an evening hosted by Sectra at a table tennis club, meeting reporters, UK clients and corporate representatives. We head into our last day at RSNA 2023 tomorrow.