Dr. Rob Lavis – Group Medical Director
Day 1
The 109th RSNA Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting welcomes the Medica team.
This is my first time here and for those who have not been before, it is vast. McCormick Place is the largest conference facility in the US. Over 650 exhibitors, extensive learning opportunities with plenary and special sessions, modality and system sessions, educational exhibits and posters, a learning centre, case of the day and much more. There is plenty of opportunity to maintain your step count!!
This year sees a big focus on AI. Highlights of the AI vendor exhibition and AI Theatre included a tool from CoLumbo AI that generates an automated report of degenerative disc disease with quantitative disc bulge assessment and root impingement with nerve tracking. There are multiple newer providers and a lot of focus on aggregators of algorithms and customisable report production.
In the real world AI presentation from Qure clinical partners we heard that the qXR CXR tool produces sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 70%. A US centre applied the CARPL platform to assess several fracture detection tools in the real world resulting in a 30% reduction in turn around time for first reads by residents and prioritisation of positive exams.
The thrust of AI companies seems to be moving to aggregating algorithms on platforms and offering a suite of services.
So Day 1 over and feet not aching too much from walking the floors of the conference! But temperatures outside below zero with the odd snow flurry. Day 2 starts with a Medica/RadMD breakfast event. More of that tomorrow!